Federal Employee Disability Retirement: The Focus of Things

Paintings, photographs, artwork of any kind — the author, artist, poet or photographer often wants you to focus upon certain things.  The background, the context, the foreground left unfocused; or, of a certain object, person, entity or subject which is the primary point of the display before you — was it deliberately intended, or was it an accident?

Sometimes, by mistake, an accidental capture of an unintended incident or subject which was not originally the focus of things to become prominent, is suddenly recognized as being more important or relevant than first thought.  But that is a rarity.  The focus of things is normally an intended act.

Thus, in a Federal OPM Disability Retirement case, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management will deliberately focus upon certain issues.  Why is that?  To try and defeat and deny a FERS Disability Retirement application based upon what they believe is the “winning” issue for them.

From the Applicant’s perspective and viewpoint, the focus is often quite different.  And, of course, there is a difference in focus between being a “patient” of a medical condition trying to get better, and being an applicant for a FERS Disability Retirement annuity.

It is, in the end, the focus of things which can make a difference, and the reason why you need a lawyer in order to obtain Federal Disability Retirement benefits is precisely because the focus of things is quite different — as in, an advocate for your Federal Disability Retirement application can make the difference between a focused approach and an unfocused one.


Robert R. McGill
FERS Disability Attorney


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