Tag Archives: is federal retirement disability difficult to get? It depends on medical condition your job and doctor support

OPM Medical Retirement Law: The Coarseness of Life

Yes, we can cover ourselves with the accouterments which make for appearance of civility, sophistication and culture (the “CSC of society”) — of fine clothes; expensive jewelry; of degrees from elite schools; of talking about the technical subtleties of this great work or that; dropping names — of operas, Beethoven, Mozart, etc.; of having read Proust, Dostoevsky, Hemingway, Cather, etc. — and yet, in an offhand moment, we can show our cruelty, our ugly side — our coarseness.

Truth as opposed to Appearance; Civility by contrast with Coarseness; a facade of peace, when in fact the world is ready for war.  Russia’s invasion of Ukraine unraveled the thin shell-game of the West: So long as we let Russia do the “dirty work” and drill for oil, pollute the world, etc., Europe could put on a facade of being the “Green good-guy” — of electric vehicles, windmills and green energy.

Now that the veil of goodness is gone and Russian oil cannot be openly purchased, we have to admit that we in the West, too, have to drill for oil and find other sources to power our countries.  The coarseness of life has been unraveled, yet again.

For Federal employees and U.S. Postal workers who have lived through the facade of sophistication — of coworkers and supervisors being civil and “nice” so long as you do your work — but when the medical condition can no longer be hidden and it is clear that you have to begin the process of initiating an OPM Federal Disability Retirement application under FERS — well, all bets are off and all masks are unmasked, and you will see that your Agency is not that gathering of niceties, but a cauldron of backstabbers and coarse nitwits.

Contact a retirement lawyer who has already experienced all of this, and get the protection of a lawyer who is experienced in Federal Disability Retirement Law.


Robert R. McGill
Lawyer exclusively representing Federal and Postal employees to secure their Federal Disability Retirement benefits under FERS from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.