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FERS Disability Retirement Law: Passion & Regret

Of the former, life’s experiences tend to stamp it out by middle age; of the latter, the same life experiences magnify them just beyond middle age.  Passion is that driving force which propels youth to greater heights; regret is the memory of things lost, of relationships ignored, of opportunities dissipated and events untethered.

Modernity has had much of the former; likely, as this generation grows older, it will be the owner of an exponentially magnified latter.  It is all well and good for the young to have passion; for, with it, greater accomplishments may be reached and the storybook of success may be more easily attained.  But it is passion without thought which is the equation for regret, as the ego of one’s self barrels through life without giving consideration for other people, other opportunities, other events yet tethered to the soul.  Thoughtful, controlled passion is the “middle way” towards an Aristotelian Eudaimonia.

For Federal employees and U.S. Postal workers who suffer from a medical condition such that the medical condition prevents the Federal or Postal employee from continuing on in the passion of one’s career, consider contacting a FERS Attorney who specializes in Federal Disability Retirement Law.

medical condition is that event which undermines one’s passion, as it depletes, isolates and confounds.

Consider preparing, formulating and submitting an effective Federal or Postal Disability Retirement Application under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management before the passion which once propelled the Federal employee or Postal worker becomes a bottomless chasm of darkened regret with nary a residue of timeless passion.


Robert R. McGill
Lawyer exclusively representing Federal and Postal employees to secure their Federal Disability Retirement benefits under FERS from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.