Federal Employees with Disabilities: The Inevitable Choice

We resist, and yet we know; we avoid, even though we realize; and we procrastinate, despite all indicators to the contrary.  It becomes the inevitable choice because there is really no other option to embrace.

Federal Disability Retirement is never the first choice; it is not something people wish for, dream for, accept easily; instead, it is the choice of last resort.  For, not being able to continue to work in pain or despondency, the other options are foolish ones at best and, at worst, detrimental to our own self-interest.  You can wait to be fired; you can resign and walk away with nothing; or, you can choose the inevitable choice — file for Federal Employee FERS Disability Retirement benefits through the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

Perhaps you still hold out for some miracle cure; or maybe your doctor is unwilling to complete any paperwork; or you simply are not ready to “retire”, yet.  Nevertheless, when you have run out of all other options and Federal Disability Retirement is the inevitable choice, you need to contact an attorney who specializes in Federal Disability Retirement, and begin to exercise the option of the inevitable choice, lest even that choice becomes a non-option.


Robert R. McGill
OPM Disability Lawyer


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