1 thought on “Federal and Postal Disability Retirement: Making it Contextual

  1. Sharon

    I have a question. My husband gets FERS Retirement (Medical) he was approved for SSDI we just got our over payment letter from OPM Ok so far other than getting cut way back due to the over payment how if anywill this affect his SSDI award. He has been disabled since April 2009 and was approved for his SSDI in Oct 2009. His 12 months have came and went will he also get a cut in his SSDI? We know about the 60% cut in SSDI but he was cut with the FERS from 60 to 40 % and now another 51%. He was cut to 1073.00 and now he is cut again due to to recieveing SSDI he now recieves gross from FERS 523.00 after all deductions his net is 127.00 his SSDI award is 1595.00 just trying to figure this all out and if or how much more we will lose. So far no notice from Social Security his new benefit takes place on November 01, 2010

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